Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Day4-Oct 26

The video we watched today in social context class really made me think about the way i think about things. What i mean is, i'm actually worrying about my skepticism regarding humanity, and my pessimism when it comes to believing things can actually change. Me and my friend Patricia are always arguing on opposite ends. She isn't really a perfect optimist like my friend Ricardo, but she does believe that the world can be a better place, she does think people can change, and yes, she's way more optimistic than i am. Meanwhileile i'm on the other side of the discussion bringing on the negativism. I read in a magazine that people should try to stay away from other people who are constantly pessimistic and negative because those kinds of people don't really add anything to a person's life. Ever since i read that i cant stop thinking about the fact that maybe the way i think about things actually may be harmful to the people around me, the people that i love, my friends, my family. How do you deal with the fact that you are harming the people you love the most just because you are so afraid of getting hurt that you just naturally assume nothing is ever going to work out, that people will never change, and that thinking that they might is just an easy way of building up hope and then getting shot down? "Hope for the best, expect the worst" These are words i live by, and why? Because i'm not willing to put myself up for suffering, i'm not willing to open myself up to people, i don't trust and i don't let myself build hope because experience has taught me that the fall is always harder than the rise.

Anyways i kind of got off track, what i planned on writing about was the video we saw in class today. It was basically about how the ideas of two people (an architect and an ecologist i think) have been revolutionizing the way business is being done all around the world. Solutions are being discovered to problems that no one thought could be fixed, and not just any solutions but simple, cost-effective, and environmentally friendly solutions. While i was watching it, it finally hit me that there are people out there trying to make a difference, trying to reduce the enormous amounts of waste that large companies generate, trying to make not only recyclable and reusable products that actually degrade into something that becomes food for the very same earth and soil that provided us with the raw materials to make those products in the first place.

Another thing i got really excited about today: i think i mentioned in one of my earlier posts or maybe in a reading reflection that i consume a lot of paper and that sometimes i don't even print on both sides. Well, today i bought 100% recyclable paper and i love it. I know its an incredible small step, but still it's a step for me. I'm actually considering these things when i go out and buy products, i'm looking for ecologo signs, and i'm looking for recyclable and reusable products. This is a step for me, and i'm proud of it.

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