Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day3-Oct 23

Today I was printing out the readings for this class and i noticed how much paper i actually waste. I print at least 30 pages every week and some of the things i print are not even double sided because i just don't have the time to sit there and turn the page and print again. So i realized i wanted to do better for the environment, and i realized that i could in some small way, so i decided to write my journal entries for the conscious living project on a blog. This way i'm being more environmentally friendly, which is what we have actually been learning in class all semester long. This is why the dates don't match up on the previous two entries because I just copied them from the previous word document that i had created for the journal.

What else did i realize today? well, actually, today i was running a little late for a group meeting. But why was i late? Well, i woke up later than i should have, but that's not the reason. What i noticed today was that i spent a whole 10 minutes putting on makeup. And then i tried to remember the last time i left the house without wearing some kind of makeup, and i honestly can't remember. I know this doesn't seem interesting, or much of a reflection, but what i keep thinking about is why? Why do i feel the need to put makeup on whenever I leave the house? When did i get to obsessive? Why did i get so obsessive? But most importantly, when did i get so shallow and insecure? And what can i do to change the things i don't like about myself? And why does it seem like all my entries have to do with something i want to change?

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