Saturday, October 31, 2009

Day7-Oct 29

Not my birthday anymore. Today, when i was trying to study for finance, and i kept watching episodes of 'how i met your mother' every 20 minutes i realized how much time i waste every single day watching tv shows. Seriously, i watch like 15 tv shows every week, that's 25 hours of my week that i could have spent doing something useful with my life, and instead i spent watching tv shows that mean nothing to me and that i follow just because it makes me forget what disappointment my life really is. How much more productive would i be if i didn't watch all these useless tv shows? But then again, if i did stop following them then what would i do with my spare time?

I have learned over time, and a wise friend told me about 20 minutes ago, that "an unoccupied mind always brings up trouble". And its true. Like for example, this is exactly the reason why i love reading. I read because for me its a way to loose myself into someone else's world. A way for me to forget about my problems and immerse myself into this other fantasy world where i never know what's going to happen, where i'm constantly kept guessing, and where nothing is impossible. I mean, who wouldn't want that? But every since i got to McGill i don't have time to read anymore. I haven't bought a single book since i came to montreal 2 1/2 years ago. The books that i have on my shelf are books that i bring with me from home to read on the plane every time i come back, and every once in a while i remember how much i love reading. How much i love concentrating so much on a book that i forget what is happening in my life at the time and how i just can't close that book at night and go to sleep because all i want to do is find out what happens next. But then again, i say i don't have time to read books anymore, but i spend 15 hours of my week watching tv shows. Apparently, i'd rather spend my time watching how fictional people live their fictional lives instead of thinking about how i live my, real, life. How lame is that? Sorry, how pathetic is that? Seriously, i need to get a life.

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