Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Day11-Nov 2

I just got out of a 4 1/2 hour long group meeting for a really big presentation that i have tomorrow. I feel like i have literally spent the better part of this semester in bronfman, specially the basement. It's gotten to the point where i can't even stand to walk down the stairs anymore. I've had days where my food intake consisted solely on salt and vinegar chips, and endless cans of coke. This semester for me has definitely been more work than any other, but even though i complain, even though i want to get it over with, i actually enjoy what i do. I enjoy studying and learning, and working my ass off and later enjoying my grades because every time i think about my friends who had to stay in Dominican Republic, my friends who go to college there, do absolutely nothing, learn absolutely nothing and still have honors, i remember how lucky i am to be here.

How lucky i am about the fact that when i talk to my friends and all they talk about is how they spend their weekends and even week days partying nonstop, i'm remembered of the opportunity it is to be here, and i'm grateful that i ahve it. And although i hate mcgill for making me study so hard, i actually thank mcgill for letting me live out a real college experience, for letting me be here, for letting me learn not only from my classes and my teachers but also from the people here, because the few people that i have met, have actually changed the way i think about things, the way i express myself, even the way i look at the world. So yeah, i am overworked, i am tired, i'm sick of the library, sick of the bronfman basement, sick of the asian food and sick of the bad coffee, but i don't think i have ever been this grateful for anything in my life.

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