Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day31-Nov 22

Day 4 of eating mostly vegetables.

Meat and chicken have actually been the easiest thing to leave, as i was never much of a meat eating person, but eggs and cheese and yogurt, and milk chocolate, well that has definitely been harder. But every day that i keep going, every extra day that i don't eat any kind of animal derived food, i feel better about myself. I don't feel like i'm doing this only for myself, like cigarettes, but i feel like i'm actually doing something good for the world, something that can make me proud of myself, something that can actually make a difference.

So yeah, this will probably be my last entry since i have to start writing the report but i just wanted to say how much this class has changed my life, the way i view things, my opinions, my knowledge, and my values. It is a class where you see a lot of hard things, where you are forced to think rather than take the usual path of least resistance, where you reflect and think about situations and concepts you probably would never have given a second thought. It is an unforgettable class, and i will be forever grateful that i was made aware of the importance of creating a sustainable business, of the cruelty directed towards animals, of cooperatives, of 'cradle-to-cradle', of debates, of recycling, reusing, and everything else i touched on/discussed in class.

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