Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Day19-Nov 10

Almost two days without smoking. It seems like forever since the last time i smoked, but its barely been two days. I'm getting worried that i might not be able to last a week. I've been doing tons of research on quitting smoking, and i've done so many things that they say help but most of the time all i think about is having a cigarette. I actually found a website that gave a few home remedies that would help fight the urge like eating something salty when you want to smoke, having lots of juice on the first days after you quit because your sugar level will decrease (which i guess is why i have been feeling a little dizzy and tired), i've even had a little bit of water and baking powder (which is disgusting) after every meal because it supposedly helps. I even printed out a calendar of the month of november, hung it on my bathroom mirror and started crossing out the days that i've been cigarette-free, the idea being that the more days i cross the more reluctant i'll be to breaking the streak and smoking again. And to be honest, i think it has helped mostly because i set myself an initial goal of 1-week without smoking which will at least get me to finish a week and if i do it then i'll do another week. But i think not thinking about it as a forever kinda deal, is actually making it a little bit easier for me.

So, although my mind is pretty much completely occupied with this no smoking thing, i feel like i should start another experiment. I mean, recycling paper is going well, and the managing my time experiment has actually been pretty hard as well. What i've come to realize with that experiment and with this one is that changing pre-existing behaviors is not something that can be done overnight and without effort. I've always been a person who leaves everything to the last minute and changing that is going to take a lot of determination and discipline, which really aren't my strongest points. With cigarettes though i feel like it's different, mostly because i want it so bad, I want to quit smoking, i want to be able to say i did this, and be proud of it, and i think i really am really making an improvement. Although now i'm thinking that quitting cold turkey probably wasn't such a good idea, but i didn't really like the idea of wearing patches, and i guess the gum i should've started right away in order to slowly decrease my nicotine intake, which i didn't do so i'm guessing i shouldn't start now. Ok, getting off track, goal: think about a new experiment.

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