Monday, November 9, 2009

Day18-Nov 9

Day 1 of my "quit smoking experiment": Haven't smoked a cigarette all day. I've basically been trying to avoid doing the things that make me want to smoke. For example i didn't have any coffee today, as soon as i had lunch i went for a walk instead of sitting around waiting for the craving to start, and i haven't sat on my couch to watch silly tv shows all day. Partly because i've barely had 5 minutes to myself all day, but mostly because when im sitting down doing absolutely nothing is when i want to smoke the most.

Pretty ironic is the fact that the day that i stop smoking i get a horrible cough that just won't go away. All the coughing gave me a headache. But i think i'm just coming down with the flu or something. I also went to the gym today and worked my ass off for an hour and a half. I think the gym is gonna be a good substitute for smoking. The gym will be my friend. Whenever i'm craving a cigarette i'll just distract myself by working out. That's exactly what i need: ways to distract myself. I can't really go to the gym 24/7, so what else can i do to keep my mind off the craves? Well, i guess i can go to the library all day and in between classes, which would probably work because the library is far away deps which will reduce the temptations to just give in and buy a pack. Or maybe not, being stuck in the library is stressfull, stress makes me want to smoke, which is exactly what i'm trying to avoid. Maybe the library wasn't such a good idea. Im out of ideas. I guess i'll come up with something as i go. Tomorrow will be another day, another challenge. Maybe i'll come up with new ways of coping that'll really help me kick cigarettes for good.

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