Sunday, November 22, 2009

Day30-Nov 21

My mom got here today, and i must say i really missed her. I've actually been pretty homesick this term, and i dont know why. It feels good having her here. We went to the movies tonight, and then dinner with some friends. I told her about my attempt at veganism and she seemed curious about it, and sort of supportive, which i didn't expect. She, and my whole family, are the sort of people who would laugh if i came home saying i was an animal right activist, and i don't eat/wear/use anything that came from animals. They would laugh not because they are insensitive about what happens to animals, which they are but only because they don't have the slightest clue of what's happening to them every day on a global basis, but they laugh because they are so conservative, so Type-A, that they think that's hippie stuff, and they don't understand why anyone would willingly give up eating meat and drinking milk.

They are the kind of people that would say: there are much more important things in the world to worry about, like having a career that pays, study finance, get a job, etc. They're all about being practical as opposed to being happy. But i understand, you know? it's how they were raised, and it's what they know. I don't judge them, i just don't want to be like them. I want to have new experiences in life, i want to make mistakes and learn from them as opposed to being perfect and never doing anything wrong, i want to express my beliefs however i want to and still be accepted. And so i would very much like to show them some parts of the movie we watched in class on wednesday or something similar to it, not to change them and not to impose on them, but to have them understand, and respect me for my choices and for my beliefs.

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